Intentional Living
January 25, 2019
Wikipedia states, “Intentional living is any lifestyle based on an individual or group's conscious attempts to live according to their values and beliefs. These can include lifestyles based on religious or ethical values, as well as coaching, personal transformation, and leadership training.”
For me personally, intentional living is about reconnecting to a more simple, natural way of life. Last year, we bought a small farmette, called The OMstead, and are learning to grow food, keep chickens and goats and will venture into beekeeping soon. While studying composting, I had an AHA! moment. I can’t remember the specifics, but I read a line in a book about soil composition and what dirt is made of. I know it’s silly, but I was shocked by how little I knew about how things actually work. Like so many others, I had become disconnected from nature and the processes of our planet. From that moment, I made a commitment to dig in, actually dig into the earth, and increase my awareness and connection to nature.
As a yoga teacher, living intentionally means a commitment to quiet. Whether it’s a daily meditation practice, a walk through the trees, or just a moment of conscious breathing, creating balance in a usually harried pace is critical for our well-being. My dad affectionately says that I like to shove 10 lbs of sh*t in a 5 lb bag. And, he’s not wrong. Most of us live like this--running from one thing to the next without really paying attention or being present for any of it. This is a cycle I have to guard against as I’m hard-wired to take on more and more. Creating room and time for a daily yoga practice is my work.
Intentional living will look different for everyone, based on the work
they need to do. That’s the beautiful part of this journey. When we are true to ourselves and create space and acceptance for others to be true to themselves, we will grow together. Mother Nature has shown this is the way, as gardens thrive when planted with complementary companion plants. One plant may nourish the soil while another ward off potential pests. We truly are better together when we are awake enough to realize our connectedness.
So, what does intentional living look like for you? Are you clearing your home of unwanted, unused items as recommended by Marie Kondo? Are you a minimalist? Are you returning to nature’s wisdom? Are you a business person who wants to bring more meaning into every customer interaction? Are you a servant who heals, helps and loves the people you meet?
Regardless of your path, we invite you to help us build an intentional community together.
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