How to Set an Intention

January 25, 2019

How to Set an Intention

“You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.”  --An excerpt from the Upanishads

Intention is one of those words that we frequently use to express the heart of what and why. My intention was not to hurt you, my intention was to be on time, my intention was to show up. It usually centers around an excuse for why we didn’t do the thing we said we would do.

We are going to change our understanding of this word and use it's power to focus on what we want to create, to manifest and grow. Learning how to set an intention is the foundation for a more purpose filled life. So let’s begin.

  1. Create a quiet space so you can begin to pay attention to your heart’s desire. And, when I mean your heart’s desire, I’m talking about the very quiet voice you’ve likely stopped listening to years ago. It’s the voice of your childhood dreams, the voice of your sleeping dreams and of your daydreams. Tune into this voice to tap into your highest self.
  2. Once you identify what it is you want to bring into your life, whether its Gratitude, Love, Peace, Prosperity, Wellness, Healing, Forgiveness, or if you’ve already chosen another word for your year, it’s time to focus on this idea.
  3. Imagine what this looks like when you are living a life the way you desire. Try to sharpen the image clearly in your mind. Try to paint a mental picture with color, specifics, and pay attention to how you feel, and the way the others in your world feel when living this way. Write it down. Write down as many of the specifics as possible, as silly as they may seem. I like to create a vision board so I have visual reminder every single day. Pinterest is a great tool for this.
  4. Once you have defined what to focus on, it’s time to do the work. I call it work, because it’s actually hard! Our minds typically jump from thought to thought, so it's difficult and powerful to learn how to control it! A great place to start is to focus on the tip of your nose and just concentrate on feeling the breath coming in and out of the nostrils. When a random thought pops into your mind, let it go, and start over. Another great practice is to gaze at a candle flame. Once you’ve done this for a minute or so, close your eyes and try to hold the reverse image of the candle flame in your mind's eye, the space between your eyebrows. When you’ve lost the image, open your eyes, stare at the flame and try it again! Learning to focus is critical to setting an intention.
  5. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Training your mind to focus is like working out at the gym. It takes time and commitment before you see any results. So don’t give up, and use that tea steeping time to do the work.

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