Afternoon Tea with Nicole Nichols

October 03, 2019

Afternoon Tea with Nicole Nichols

“Feeling more compassionate, feeling more kind, feeling like yourself. When we wake up through yoga, we become more balanced."

Nicole Nichols, Owner of Republic of Yoga

In this episode, we dive right into the holy science of yoga with Nicole since this ancient knowledge is the foundation for a path toward higher consciousness. Now, more than ever, we need more awareness in our business and professional lives. “With yoga, we start to know and feel like ourselves and become very clear. We store all of our experiences in the body somewhere. And when these things open up, we remember things or get clarity with issues we may have been struggling with.” 

We explore the idea of why business is so disconnected from a spiritual path. Our material-based culture drives this divide between our highest selves and glamorizes consumption, scarcity and competition. But the tide is turning, there is another way. It’s called conscious capitalism, fueled by intention, where we can bring our whole and best selves to the table.

Nicole shares that in both business and life, it always comes down to karma and emptiness. Karma doesn’t mean fate or destiny, it means action. When we fully understand the laws of these two principles, as it relates to our business and our current state of mind, we move into the driver’s seat of our life. We begin to understand why the power of intention can have such a massive impact on what we co-create.

Ask yourself: What is it I ultimately want? Are my actions aligned with my highest goals? When we know ourselves deeply, great shifts begin to happen and a world of possibility opens up.

How can our intentional community help Nicole’s business prosper? Check out her studio when you’re in Cary, NC, and tell someone you know to visit. Or, sign up for a special training or workshop online and learn from her directly.

Follow Nicole online at Republic of Yoga or on Facebook.

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